Education at OHSU

COVID-19 Information for Students

For the most up-to-date information about COVID and OHSU, see the COVID-19 page on O2.

Managing student exposures to COVID-19

Student exposures to COVID-19

If a student thinks they have been exposed to COVID-19 regardless of whether that exposure occurred while performing academic work or in the community, they should refer to the Criteria for Workplace or Community COVID-19 Exposures document for helpful information.

COVID-19 testing

No-cost testing is available at Student Health. 

Option 1: Saliva PCR tests are available without an appointment at Student Health during regular business hours. Simply stop by Student Health in the basement of Baird Hall to complete the test. Results are back typically within 24 to 48 hours.  

Option 2: Limited availability for in-clinic nasal swab PCR testing by appointment at the Student Health and Wellness Center. Please call 503-494-8665 to schedule an appointment.  

What if a student tests positive for COVID-19?

  • If you have tested positive, stay home and avoid contact with other people.
  • If you are experiencing severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, difficulty speaking due to shortness of breath, or bluish/gray lips or face go to the Emergency Room NOW.
  • If you need medical care related to a COVID-19 infection, please call Student Health at 503-494-8665, option 1 to make an appointment.

When can you return to in-person academic experiences after a positive COVID-19 test?

Please refer to the return-to-work calculator and calendar guide on Occupational Health's Illness Exclusion and Exposures page to determine what day you can return.  

For additional information about the safe return to campus for COVID-19-positive students, please refer to OHSU's Guidelines for Illness Exclusion and Return to Work which also applies to students.

What if a student is experiencing COVID-related symptoms?

  • If you have symptoms, stay home and avoid contact with other people.
  • For severe symptoms such as difficulty breathing, difficulty speaking due to shortness of breath, or bluish/gray lips or face go to the Emergency Room NOW.
  • For mild to moderate symptoms, please call the Student Health and Wellness Center at 503-494-8665, option 1 to make a virtual appointment for medical care, to discuss options for testing, and to review criteria for the safe return to in-person academic work.
  • For additional information about the safe return to campus for COVID-19 positive students, see the O2 COVID-19 page and refer to OHSU's Guidelines for Illness Exclusion and Return to Work which also applies to students. 

COVID-19 vaccine Information

Getting the vaccine

We encourage students to get vaccinated as a way to protect themselves and their community. Vaccines are safe and effective and convenient locations to receive vaccination can be found both on and off campus. Boosters are an essential part of increasing vaccine effectiveness.  

Student Health offers no-cost COVID vaccine boosters in our office. Please call 503-4949-8665 to schedule an appointment.  

If you receive the vaccine outside of OHSU or are declining it, please report your vaccine status to Enterprise Health.  Easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions on how to upload your vaccine information can be found here.

For ongoing updates and a detailed FAQ, see the OHSU COVID-19 vaccine page as well as OHSU Now.

Unsure about COVID vaccines?

Many people aren't sure if they want a COVID-19 vaccine. You might have questions about side effects. Maybe you heard that vaccines can affect your DNA or fertility. Or maybe you just want to wait and see how it goes for other people.

These are all understandable. It's smart to weigh risks and benefits when deciding about your health. To help, we've gathered some facts for you to consider. We also offer ways to learn more. We want to help you make the best decision for yourself and your family. Download our guide on getting a COVID-19 vaccine.

7 facts about COVID vaccines:

  • Vaccines keep people from going to the hospital or dying because of COVID-19.
  • Side effects are usually mild to moderate, lasting only a day or two.
  • Vaccines can’t track you, affect your DNA, damage your fertility or give you COVID-19.
  • Getting a vaccine is especially important for people of color.
  • Vaccines are safe. They were tested in tens of thousands of people, including people of color.
  • Vaccines contain no fetal tissue or fetal cells.
  • You won’t pay any money for a vaccine.

You can learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine as well as hear from experts and community members  here.

Additional information about COVID-19

How can I help prevent the spread of illness?

The CDC has excellent information on how COVID-19 is thought to spread and how to protect yourself, your family, and your home.

There are many helpful guidelines to follow from CDC and OHSU:

  • All individuals at OHSU -- patients, visitors, members -- are expected to follow Respiratory Hygiene/Cough Etiquette, which includes covering a cough and sneeze, performing hand hygiene and masking of individuals with respiratory symptoms, and to follow the Illness Among OHSU Workforce Members Policy.
  • Clean your hands often.  Wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.  If you aren't able to wash you hands, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, where possible.
  • Physical distancing: since the virus is thought to spread mainly by close person-to-person contact (within about 6 feet) and via respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes, the CDC's How to Protect Yourself page suggests putting distance between yourself and other people in places where COVID-19 is spreading in the community. CDC and OHSU have also issued guidance to support physical distancing.
  • If you're sick: stay home, cover coughs and sneezes, and clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily.  If you need care, call SHW or your primary care provider.

SHW staff are here to help support you and direct you to the care you need.  Please call us at 503-494-8665, Option 1 with any additional questions or concerns.

OHSU resources

Local, national and international resources