Education at OHSU

Resources and Tools to Support Career Success

OHSU Career Development framework

  • Guest expert webinars and multi-week courses to support academic success  

  • Writing challenges and tips for writing productivity  

  • Access to mentoring programs for faculty at various stages in career (at cost)  

  • Buddy Matching for accountability (free and by request) 

  • Dissertation Success Curriculum for Graduate Students 

To create account, use your OHSU email address, and find Oregon Health & Science University in the drop-down menu.  Questions? Email

Standout is a job interview practice tool available to all OHSU faculty, staff and students.

Self-awareness is essential for career decision making. See self assessment resources listed below by category:




OHSU Career Workplace Enhancement (CWE):

  • Mentorship software 

  • Career Design Sharepoint Site and Mentorship Sharepoint site to include sample resumes and cover letters by school, recommended LinkedIn content, informational interviewing tips, and mentoring resources.

Educational Improvement and Innovation