Contact Lens Exams and Fitting

OHSU Casey Eye Institute’s contact lens specialists provide evaluation, fitting and management of contact lenses to help you see clearly. We use state-of-the art tests and the latest contact lens technology to provide you with the best personalized care.
We offer contact lens fittings if you need routine vision correction, such as for nearsightedness or farsightedness, and also provide specialty fittings and custom lenses to improve your vision if you have a more complex eye condition, such as an irregular astigmatism, keratoconus, corneal transplant or if your lens was removed. At OHSU Casey Eye Institute, you will get:
- Routine and complex eye care for elective or medically necessary contacts.
- Latest contact lens designs available in our clinic. We have many corneal, hybrid and custom soft diagnostic lenses.
- Compassionate care, which is always a priority during contact lens fittings. Your unique eyes and medical history are taken into account to select the best lens design for you.
Our expertise
At Casey, our optometrists have the expertise and experience to ensure you receive the best contact lens options for your eyes. We offer:
- A team of board-certified and fellowship trained doctors.
- The best technology available for taking measurements of your eye and getting your prescription right.
- Expert doctors who regularly lecture regionally and nationally to other optometrists, and are involved in teaching future experts.
- Collaborative care to correct your vision with contacts if you have a complex eye condition. We often work with specialists in the cornea, glaucoma and retina clinics within OHSU Casey Eye Institute to give you the best care.
- Expertise with specialty contact lenses for complex eye conditions or those with cornea diseases or scarring.
Contact lens fitting
Using the latest diagnostic technology for eye exams and the latest contact lens designs, you get the most individualized contact lens fitting possible to improve your vision. We offer:
- A comprehensive eye exam, taking into account past history and visual needs, is done to test the health of your eyes and the best method to correct your vision. Glasses, contact lenses or both may be recommended to achieve your visual goals.
- The most commercially available contact lenses in our clinic. We work with you to review lens options and recommend the best lens for your eye health and visual needs, including hard, soft, astigmatism correction, disposable and special keratoconus lenses. Scleral, hybrid, and corneal rigid contact lenses can improve vision and are considered medically necessary.
- A custom fitting, which may include placing a diagnostic lens on your eye during the initial evaluation to assess fit, comfort and vision. Several changes of these diagnostic lenses may be needed to achieve your best vision.
- Personalized follow-up care. Our providers recommend, at minimum, yearly eye exams for all contact lens wearers, regardless of the type of lens. Depending on your specific eye needs, more frequent monitoring or evaluation may be recommended.
- Assistance to optimize your coverage benefits using both medical and vision insurance. Coverage depends on each individual’s plan, which may change over time and cannot be guaranteed even after the initial assessment.
Our doctors
- Amanda K. Dieu, O.D., FAAO, FSLS
- Ophthalmology, Optometry and Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry Portland
- Accepting new patients
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Medical)
- Eye Exams (Adult) - Optometry
- Eye Exams (Children) - Ophthalmology
- Optometry
- Brooke M. Harkness, O.D., M.S., FAAO
- Optometry, Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry and Contact Lenses (Medical) Portland
- Accepting new patients
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine
- Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Medical)
- Optometry
- Derek J. Louie, M.Sc., O.D., FAAO
- Division Chief, Medical Contact Lens
- Ophthalmology, Optometry and Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry Portland
- Accepting new patients
Appointments and titles
- Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine
- Division Chief, Medical Contact Lens
- Ophthalmology
- Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Medical)
- Eye Exams (Adult) - Optometry
- Optometry
- Shazib Haq, O.D.
- Optometry, Eye Exams (Adult) - Optometry and Eye Exams (Children) - Ophthalmology Portland
- Accepting new patients
Appointments and titles
- Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine
- Optometry
- Eye Exams (Adult) - Optometry
- Eye Exams (Children) - Ophthalmology
- Comprehensive Ophthalmology
- Contact Lenses (Adult) - Optometry
- Contact Lenses (Medical)